So, this is my first attempt at blogging and running! I'm not sure how successful either activity will be...
I'm a 24 (almost 25 but we won't mention that until it happens) girl living in sunny Sheffield. I have a passion for shoes and sparkly pretty things. Give me the ingredients to make a cake and I will whip up something so delicious you will want to be my friend forever. Oh, I have also signed up for my first 10K run at the end of March.
Anyone who knows me will know that exercise does not come naturally to me, I once won an award at school for being so gracious in never getting picked to play netball. I saw this as a great parents found it hilarious. Kind of like a Gaylord Focker moment. So you may well ask if I am genetically allergic to exercise why on earth enter into a 10K?!? Well...
About half a year ago I decided to bite the bullet and take care of my body. I've never taken bad care of it but I guess it was never that high on my list of priorities. I'm not sure what led to it but something in my head just clicked and I thought that all that mumbo jumbo you hear about exercise making you happy (and potentially being able to reasonably justify an extra hob-nob) might just have something to it so I joined a gym.
Since June 2011 I am a different person. I get excited about going spinning (I know, I know! Guess I could also be called a sadist!) and I regularly trawl the internet looking for exercise tips and how to get the most out of what we've been born with. Believe me though, I'm no health freak! I will never be able to resist a roast dinner or an extra helping of sticky toffee pudding! Luckily for me these things are actually rare in my daily life. I've started to believe that exercise really does make you feel good and eating (semi) healthily will also get those endorphins flowing.
I want this blog to be somewhere I can track my progress with running, I've been "training" for 4 weeks now and last night I had my first 5K run which was a milestone in 2 ways...
1. it was my first 5K
2. it is the first time I've run and thought "I'm actually enjoying this...give me more!"
So it seemed an appropriate time to enter the world of blogging and share my little adventure with the cyber world! I'm excited!
Until next time...
Kathryn :)
* I should also put the disclaimer out there that grammar has never been a strong point of mine so if you are a stickler for the big G then maybe best to look for another blog. I do try though!*
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