Thursday, 16 February 2012

This one's for you Whitney...


What a long long week it has been! Roll on 5pm tomorrow! The stress of this week really helped me on my regular Tuesday run this week though so every cloud and all that...

Tuesday morning rolled around and my running buddy had told me that she wouldn't be running with me. Strangely the feeling of panic I would have expected when told I will be running solo didn't arrive. Surely this was a good sign...and it was.

I felt motivated and ready to run. Tuesday had been a glorious day in Sheffield and that led to a lovely evening for running. I even created a playlist for the occasion. Highlights of this included Backstreet Boys, Whitney (as the title suggests) and the Vaccines (actually it's probably not fair to lump the Vaccines together with the Boys and Whits) Off I set. I walked down to my starting point and had Nike + all ready to go. Off I went. My pace and breathing felt good, even my stride felt longer than usual. This was good, better than usual and dare I say it...possibly the best I've ever felt as I've set off for a run.

One lap completed and I knew I had one more lap of my route to complete to hit my target of this week. I thought the mental issue of going past my starting point without actually stopping would really be a challenge but amazingly I didn't give it a second thought. By the time I reached the hill of my 2nd lap I had started to flag a little but then Whitney Houston, Step by Step started on the playlist and that was it, cheesy as it sounds I listened to the words and thought that's all I have to do "taking it step by step" and that's what I did and that's what got me through and helped me achieve 6.39k.

As I approached my end point my spirits were high and I was eager to check Nike+ to see if my suspicions that it felt like a good run would be confirmed with my total time and calories burnt. Imagine my disappointment then when I realised I actually forgot to press go on the Nike+!!!!


I was so mad with myself but it still felt good. The next day at work I was a loser and looked up all the songs on my playlist (my run took as long as my playlist) and added up the total time. THank you amazon! I was chuffed, I did it in 41 mins 41 secs! Not bad for a girl that's been running 6 weeks.

Just as a treat and a tribute to the lady herself here she is...

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Take that treadmill!


Post run day so time to share my thoughts on last nights run.

Tuesday is my regular night to run with my colleague from work and last night was no different other than there being some white stuff on the ground. Now, when it snows in the U.K we panic. I'm no different. If I didn't have a full time job I would simply take to hibernation when the white stuff falls and ice becomes ever present. Sadly, work is a necessity and until I live the lifestyle of Ms Carrie Bradshaw I must venture out in the blizzards. The other thing about snow and ice is my ridiculous fear of the stuff. I am yet to meet someone who becomes more paralysed with fear at their front door than myself. I can't explain this fear but it really takes over me. Anyway...given the ice and my fears, myself and my colleague needed to come up with an alternative to running on the roads.

I'm a member of a gym and sorted it out for my running buddy to come along for the night. This was actually a real treat for her as she got to go in the pool and steam room and generally have some time to herself away from husband and 4 boys! The woman needs a medal!

So there we were, kitted up ready to go on the treadmill when colleague has forgotten her shoes! I offered my spare pair of trainers (seriously what kind of person has trainers just for spinning?!?! I really do think I'm a pro-athlete!!) But I'm a size 7 and she is a teeny tiny 5 so it wasn't working out. Fast forward half an hour later and her husband has come to the rescue with trainers in hand. Off we go to locate 2 treadmills next to each other. I start giving my best gym instructor speech about how to use the machines when comedy descends. Whilst I am fiddling around on the screen of my buddies treadmill she has figured out how to use the controls on the rail of the treadmill. Anyway, neither of us realised at first the speed just kept going up and then all of a sudden it was a cartoon moment. I was hurting from laughing so much and neither of us could hit emergency stop! Once all the fun and frolics was over and done with we managed to actually get on with some running. That is after all what we went to the gym for.

I clocked up 5K in 35.47 mins. pretty pleased with that. I enjoyed it (I usually hate the treadmill) and I could have done another K I think. I then went on the bike and did 4 miles on that while my friend went to chill in the pool. All in all it was a good session and I'm looking forward to the next one. I burnt 520 calories in total and then un-did all that hard work with 2 scoops of Ben and Jerry's at the cinema. I enjoyed it anyway!

Spinning class tonight, I might do 15 mins on the treadmill pre or post spin depending on time, hunger and tiredness (swear I need to actually hibernate!). Next run likely to be Saturday. Fingers crossed for the ice to melt!


Monday, 6 February 2012

A slight blip...

So I am sat at my desk feeling very sorry for myself. I won't go into detail but I will just say I don't really like being a girl for one week of every month. Every other week throw all the girly-ness you want at me and I will lap it up.

It's no excuse I know. I know full well that my double spin class will make me feel better but the sickness I have at the moment and the over whelming desire I have to sleep means that the most that's going to happen tonight is putting my pj's on and climbing into my bed.

I promise tomorrow will be flippin well better be anyway!


Sorry for the moan. Not sure who I am saying sorry to but I feel I should say it all the same.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Feels like I'm 15 again...

After a couple of days in London and lots of tasty food a run was much needed this morning! I also figured that going for a run would mean my leftover Hummingbird Bakery cupcake would barely touch the hips.

As I was at my mum and dads I needed to devise a route the would give me the distance but also be ok under foot. Luckily I know these parts pretty well, after all I've lived there since I was born and left for uni. My little old hometown also has the benefit of being in the land of flat terrain, Lincolnshire! Made a nice change to the mountains (ok I exaggerate!) of Sheffield.

Given that I left planning a route till the last minute I needed to come up with something pretty quick as I was already talking myself out of going as I munched on my cereal and looked out the kitchen window at all the frost. Somehow I managed to drag myself upstairs and get in my running gear, it would have been stupid to take all my gear home and then not use it so by this point I was determined to go. I set out the door and decided I was going to do my old schools cross country course.

Off I went and man was it cold! Without trying to sound lame I think the cold affected my breathing and I wasnt sure how to get around this. I carried on and the K's started clocking up. Well, so my fancy new Nike +app was telling me. I got to 3.5k and my chest was hurting so I slowed down and walked. I felt bad for this but I would have probably felt worse had I not taken the rest. I set off again and reached home after completing 4.68k (that's running as I paused Nike + for the bit I walked)

So all in all it was cold, my chest hurt but I did it. I feel angry that I had to walk because I'd have got another 5k under my belt again had I not walked but if I'd have carried on I would have hated it and not classed it as a run I enjoyed. Guess that's the thing with running, you have to make some tough calls sometimes and you'll always think 'what if'.

The thing I am pleased about today is that I did that school cross country course. Finally the girl that got picked last, has no sporting prowess and generally went cold at the thought of P.E lessons cracked the school cross country course. I could never do it at 15 years old but today, at almost 10 years older I've done what I thought was once impossible.

Next run scheduled for Tuesday. Rest day tomorrow with double spinning Monday. Snow.... You better melt! Xx

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Let's Do This!

So, this is my first attempt at blogging and running! I'm not sure how successful either activity will be...

I'm a 24 (almost 25 but we won't mention that until it happens) girl living in sunny Sheffield. I have a passion for shoes and sparkly pretty things. Give me the ingredients to make a cake and I will whip up something so delicious you will want to be my friend forever. Oh, I have also signed up for my first 10K run at the end of March.

Anyone who knows me will know that exercise does not come naturally to me, I once won an award at school for being so gracious in never getting picked to play netball. I saw this as a great parents found it hilarious. Kind of like a Gaylord Focker moment. So you may well ask if I am genetically allergic to exercise why on earth enter into a 10K?!? Well...

About half a year ago I decided to bite the bullet and take care of my body. I've never taken bad care of it but I guess it was never that high on my list of priorities. I'm not sure what led to it but something in my head just clicked and I thought that all that mumbo jumbo you hear about exercise making you happy (and potentially being able to reasonably justify an extra hob-nob) might just have something to it so I joined a gym.

Since June 2011 I am a different person. I get excited about going spinning (I know, I know! Guess I could also be called a sadist!) and I regularly trawl the internet looking for exercise tips and how to get the most out of what we've been born with. Believe me though, I'm no health freak! I will never be able to resist a roast dinner or an extra helping of sticky toffee pudding! Luckily for me these things are actually rare in my daily life. I've started to believe that exercise really does make you feel good and eating (semi) healthily will also get those endorphins flowing.

I want this blog to be somewhere I can track my progress with running, I've been "training" for 4 weeks now and last night I had my first 5K run which was a milestone in 2 ways...

1. it was my first 5K
2. it is the first time I've run and thought "I'm actually enjoying this...give me more!"

So it seemed an appropriate time to enter the world of blogging and share my little adventure with the cyber world! I'm excited!

Until next time...

Kathryn :)

* I should also put the disclaimer out there that grammar has never been a strong point of mine so if you are a stickler for the big G then maybe best to look for another blog. I do try though!*